Reading product “Read Me” files is almost a lost art. Please read this one. You can print this file so you will have a hardcopy of it to faithfully follow the balance of the installation instructions.
Four megabytes of RAM and a hard disk with a minimum of ten megabytes free is required for the full installation. You may install only a portion of the software if you wish.
If speed is an important concern to you, please read the performance note further down in this document.
Strata Inc. has stringent anti-virus procedures in place throughout its operation and we do everything possible to maintain the integrity of our product up to the point when you open the package. You can, however, scan the StrataVision 3d installation disks before beginning the installation process, then turn off ALL virus protection during installation. After you have completed the installation, turn your anti-viral inits/cdevs back on.
If you have the “GateKeeper™” init, it absolutely MUST be disabled before installation of StrataVision 3d. GateKeeper can corrupt the StrataVision 3d application, making it unusable.
Your disk envelope should contain 8 disks. These are titled "StrataVision™ Installer," "Disk 1" through "Disk 6," and "Demo Manual." Insert the "StrataVision™ Installer" disk, run the Installer application and follow the on-screen instructions. Then insert the "Demo Manual" disk and intall the demo manual.
Note: for systems with multiple hard disks:
After installation, if installing on a disk other than your main "boot" disk containing your active system, you will need to drag the "StrataVision Preferences" file from the StrataVision application folder to the preferences folder of your system, or directly to the system folder if running system 6.x.
• A System 6.x file system patch is included.
This init fixes a bug involving the file system in System 6.x. Using QuickTime™ practically guarantees that you will encounter this bug. If you are running pre-System 7.0 software and you select the easy install, this init will be placed into your system folder by the installation program and the installer will reboot your machine when it is done so that this change will take effect. The QuickTime v1.0 extension is available from any Apple dealer.
• The easy install option of the installer will not install the Strata Gallery if you are running System 6. After you have installed StrataVision, if you want to install the Gallery just run the installer again and select the custom install button. You can then scroll to the bottom of the list, select the Gallery, and click on the install button.
StrataVision 3d requires System 6.0.5 or later and the accompanying 32-Bit Color Quickdraw system software on your Macintosh II computer. These are provided by Apple Computer.
You should have at least two megabytes of free space on your hard disk drive for StrataVision 3d's virtual image cache, otherwise you won't be able to render large images unless you've got a lot of RAM. Eight megabytes or more of RAM is recommended for best performance.
If you have more memory available to the application the rendering will be faster. If you see the memory chip within a rendering window you should allocate more space to StrataVision 3d via the finder's "Get Info" command.
Any form of using disk space to simulate memory (such as Strata's virtual image cache or Apple's virtual memory) will slow the rendering process. If you have enough RAM memory (>8meg) you should disable the image spooling option within StrataVision 3d by choosing the preferences command. This will DRAMATICALLY improve your rendering performance. There is absolutely NO substitute for real RAM.
• “Aldus® Gallery Effects™ sampler” .
Provided in the Extensions folder. Specifically, it is the Watercolor filter, one of the 16 Gallery Effects filters included in Gallery Effects Volume I: Classic Art from Aldus. This filter is accessed through the "Modify Image" command in the Edit menu.
For more information on Aldus Gallery Effects, contact:
Aldus Corporation • Product Information
411 First Avenue South • Seattle, Washington, 98104 • 206-628-2320
• “Andromeda c-Multi filter”
Provided courtesy of Andromeda Software. Andromeda Software sells a variety of filters that mimic photographic effects. For more information on Andromeda filters, contact:
For further information about purchasing StrataVision 3d libraries and accessories, contact your nearest Apple Macintosh software dealer, or telephone Strata Inc. at 1-800-6STRATA. Technical support for registered owners is available at (801) 628-9751.